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What a Wonderful Service!

Dear Pastor Jon and Debra-


Wow! What a wonderful service on Sunday! The testimony and preaching from Gary really ministered to us. I don’t think there was a dry eye in church. The sweet Holy Spirit was moving and it was so good. We feel when we leave after service – we leave with meat, with substance.


We are Thankful that your church was referred to us. We Praise God that you are teaching the Truth, Jesus and the Cross. Wednesday night was also a blessing with Nettie doing a study on walking in Faith. We brought a friend, Rose M. with us and she really was glad that she came. She said that the message really ministered to her from Nettie. We are truly Thankful to see a church that is in order and that is preaching and teaching the Truth.



Brian and Sherry H.

Come, Hear!

I know Jon Wenger and go to his church. I am his sister and I can tell you that I have heard what I thought were some of the best preachers and no one’s message or anointing compare to what the Holy Spirit has given Jon. Come hear.


-Jeanie Simpson


Thank You!

Dear Pastor Jon & Debra Wenger & Heritage Christian Center,


Greetings From Pastor Jeff & Liz Steiner from Promised Land Church in Watertown, Wisconsin! We here want to extend a great “Thank You” for Pastor Jon & Debra’s ministry here at the “I will Glory in the Cross” Revival meetings held at PLC June 6th – 10th.


Pastor Jon’s messages on the Cross of Christ helped “reinforce” the Word of God that we have ministered here for the last several years. Your Pastor has a deep knowledge of the Cross of Christ and the Gospel bears fruit where ever it is preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit as it has here. Our people were greatly built up and edified by Pastor Jon’s ministry. As for Pastor Debra, her morning sessions were powerful testimonies as to how the Lord Jesus Christ sought her out and saved her soul. She was a great inspiration to us here and we have many requests for the tapes from all the meetings.

We want to encourage you at Heritage Christian Center to stand with Pastor and Debra. True ministers of the Gospel are getting very hard to find. They have a true shepherds heart and you will see the Lord do great things in your Church as you all seek Gods face and hold to the Cross.


And to Pastor Jon and Debra, we greatly enjoyed getting to know you and the wonderful fellowship we had with each other. I believe we began a friendship that will be a blessing through out our years. We hope to come down to visit you when Brother Loren Larson is there and look forward to meeting your church family. Until then, Keep the Faith and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ as he enables you to do so!


God Bless you all richly! Pastor Jeff & Liz Steiner and PLC

Water in the Desert

If someone were to ask me to describe what my church means to me, I would have to say that it is like finding cool, pure water in a desert wasteland or like finding fresh air despite being surrounded by a rotten garbage heap. Sound extreme? Not at all. How else can you describe the experience of entering church and feeling like your very soul is taking a deep breath of satisfaction and relief because – you know that you know that you know – that you are going to hear the untainted Word of God after being inundated by the World all week? Or after having a past that includes attending churches that preached the wrong message?

There is no room in our church for man’s wisdom or work because Christ and His Finished Work on the Cross takes center stage in all that is preached and taught. You will not hear the 7 Steps to Victory or the 40 Days of Purpose coming from our pastor’s mouth because in Christ we already have Victory; in Christ we already have Purpose.


I’m not sure how many are gifted with the ability to expound the Word of God in such great detail, but the Lord has certainly bestowed this gift on our pastor. I don’t think any of our congregation takes this for granted, especially knowing that there is a whole church world out there that’s more interested in the temporal social gospel instead of the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.


If you are looking for a church that leads you to Christ and Him alone, please consider Heritage Christian Center . In-depth Bible studies take place some Sunday nights while other Sunday nights are sermons. Most times we are blessed with both, but regardless, it always goes entirely too fast.


– Tricia A.

Our Pastors...


Pastor Jon & Debra:


This is just a note from Marla and I letting you know how very much we appreciate the both of you and your unwavering stance for the Message of the Cross. We don’t have to tell you this is not a popular message. People are not flocking in large numbers to hear it. It’s no different here in Baton Rouge than it is in Central Illinois. Marla and I often wondered how you could stand up in front of us (so few in number) week after week and preach with such passion. When people here in Baton Rouge ask where we’re from, we proudly tell them we’re from Heritage Christian Center in Peoria IL and that you are our pastors.

I believe what we were able to learn from you under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit has given us a solid foundation to begin our studies here at WEBC. We love you both and lift you up in our daily prayers.


In Christ,

Terry & Marla

Praise God!

Listened to Gabe Swaggart’s program before church (Living Waters). The first song was “I am” by Grace Larson, and the Spirit of God moved during her singing. It was a confirmation to my troubled spirit that no matter what is going on in your life, “I am with you”! Isn’t God good?

Then at church today, the singers started singing “Draw Me Lord,” as the Lord was moving during prayer time at the alter! As the song came to a close, there was a Word of tongues given, and then the interpretation of tongues. As I listened, the Lord took me back to 1992 in New Lenox, IL; as we were raising three daughters in our newly built home. Right next to the grade school where all three girls went, and where we thought we were going to live the rest of our lives… Wrong! God had a different plan!


We moved to Ottawa, IL; so we could build a new house in Marseilles. Donna called churches in the area and she liked what Pastor Jon Wenger had to say. So we started attending the little store front church, one block south of our present church. They were in a building program, building a new church building between the two Ottawa exits right off I-80! I helped them when I could, as I also was building our house at the same time! For many years we were just existing as parishioners at church. Donna and I did help some with the youth and we both taught Sunday School to Jr High kids, but later we were on not really growing or maturing as Christians. Slowly growing colder and colder, not really feeling like church was doing anything for us spiritually and were really feeling like giving up, but we knew we really needed to be in church. We still loved God through it all. Along comes Sonlife Radio to Ottawa, IL.


I was listening to my favorite program on the radio 88.9FM; but it wasn’t on. Something else was on. So I listened, and listened, but had no idea who this loud preacher was. But he was preaching like I hadn’t heard preaching in over 30 years! He was preaching the Truth! Who is this man? It was Donnie! That was 2004 and I haven’t stopped listening since! In 2005, February; Pastor Jon had Loren Larson come to his new church (motel). Kristen and I went and listened to him preach, and I got very convicted of my coldness and the church I was attending. We left; rather abruptly; and the first Sunday after Easter we started attending Heritage Christian Center and have been regular attenders ever since!


“The Message of the Cross” is why God moved me and my family to Marseilles. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified! God showed me. One block from our present church “HCC” is where we attended Pastor Jon’s storefront church, and now today, one exit east of the old “new church” we attended! God showed me like in Old Testament types. That old church was like the “old man,” or the flesh trying to work for God. And now only one exit east is the “Cross Way Church” where God is going to move; and is moving; to do a great work in these last days. Just as Jesus confirmed to me today in HCC through tongues and interpretation. I thank God for JSM & Sonlife Radio, and Pastor Jon & Debbie for heeding the call of God to start a church in Ottawa, IL. Preaching Jesus Christ and Him Crucified without apologies! God confirmed to me, that is why I moved to Marseilles; to be a part of that great ministry! Praise God!



Heritage Christian CEnter

For More Information or Prayer Requests:

815-434-0507   *​  *  900 Hitt St., Ottawa, IL 61350

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